After Setting up your WeChat Offical Account, you will be asked to verify your account before you can create your WeChat Mini Program.

Some of the steps in the verification process have not been translated into English by WeChat, so Viva City can provide a support service to help you through the verification process should you require assistance. 

Please contact your sales representative or the support team at to schedule a session.

Should you wish to do this yourself, you will need to submit the following information (below), so please make sure you have these prepared before beginning the verification process or for your scheduled session with the Viva City team.

Required Documents

1. Application Letter 
(available in five languages: Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, English, Japanese & Korean) 

You can download this from the popup screen displayed when clicking the button to start the verification process from dashboard 

2. Company Registration Certificate or Business License

You will need to provide a photo or scanned copy of the original certificate, or a copy with the company seal on it or a company director's signature. 

3. Contact's Mobile Phone Bill / Bank Statement

There are three options available. WeChat prefers to receive the contact person's details. 

    1. You can provide the Phone Bill of the contact person. It must include the contact person's name, mobile number and the last 3 months payment record.

    2. If the Phone Bill cannot be offered, then you can instead provide the contact person's bank statement. It must include the contact person's name and the last three months statement.

    3. If the contact person's phone or bank statement can not be provided, you can offer the phone bill of the business telephone number. It must include the last 3 months payment record and be stamped with the companies seal or signed by a company director.

4. Contact's Identity Document 

Accepted documents: National ID Card, Passport or Driving License ID
You will need to provide a colour scanned copy of the contact person’s ID card on both sides

5. Trademark Document

If you choose to name your account after a trademark, you need to provide the right Trademark Registration Certificate or Trademark Authorisation.

Accepted Verification Payment Methods

WeChat Pay or Bank Card

Accepted Bank Cards:

Visa, Mastercard, JCB, Discover, Diners Club, American Express, China Union Pay. 

NEXT STEP: WeChat Verifications Team to Call once Requested Documents are Submitted

After you have submitted this information, you will be contacted by WeChat or an associated 3rd Party to finalise your account verification. 

Once your account has been verified you can then create your WeChat Mini Program. 

We have created a guide as to how to create a Mini Program from your Official Account. 

Click here to view the guide.


If you want to complete the verification process without our assistance, below is the translated information with our interpretation to help you.

1. WeChat Verification Letter with Official Seal (electronic version)


- 简体版认证公函  (Simplified Chinese)
- 繁体版认证公函  (Traditional Chinese)
- 英语版认证公函  (English)
- 日语版认证公函  (Japanese)
- 韩语版认证公函  (Korean)


1. WeChat Verification Letter with Official Seal (electronic version)

Download the verification letter in your preferred language accordingly:

- Simplified Chinese Verification Letter

- Traditional Chinese Verification Letter

- English Verification Letter

- Japanese Verification Letter

- Korean Verification Letter

You will need to fill in the blanks and include the company stamp a company director signature. 

You can submit a scanned or digitally copy of the filled-in document or a digitally filled-in and signed document.

For reapplying the verification or annual verification - if there's no change of the applicant's organisation name, it's possible to skip the application letter, however, this is subject to the 3rd party verification company to make the decision.

2. Qualification Documents

机构类型 企业法人(其他类型暂不支持)

准备材料 《企业注册证》或《商业许可证书》

2. Qualification Documents 

WeChat only supports Institution/Corporations.

Please prepare 'Enterprise Registration Certificate' or 'Commercial License' 

3. 系人手机电话对账单(必选)


3. Contact's mobile statement (required)

As the contact of your company WeChat account, you will need to submit your mobile phone bill

Your Mobile statement must include the contact person's name, mobile number, and the last 3 months payment record.

If the contact's mobile statement is not available, you can provide either your company office telephone bill statement (must include company stamp or director signature) or your personal bank statement.

Company office telephone statement must include the company name, telephone number and the last 3 months payment record.

Bank statement (include Debit card and credit card) statement, must include the contact person's name, and the last 3 months statement.

4. 联系人身份证件正反面(必选


4. Contact's identity document (required)

A photo or scanned copy of the front and back of the contact's ID card. 

You can submit a scanned copy of your passport or driving license (Front and back).

5. "Trademark Registration" and "Trademark Authorization" (optional)


5. "Trademark Registration" and "Trademark Authorization" (optional)

If the official account name contains a trademark brand name, please upload the support document.

6. 认证支付方式


6. Verification payment methods

You can pay with WeChat Pay or a bank card

7. 银行卡支持类型

VisaMasterCardJCBDiscoverDiners ClubChina Union PayAmerican Express

7. Accepted bank cards

Visa、MasterCard、JCB、Discover、Diners Club、China Union Pay、American Express