In order to link your Wechat Mini Program to the Viva City data, you will need to go through the following steps:

  1. Login into your Admin via and select the 'App Editor' on the profile icon, which is located at the top right corner
  2. If you have not created the Mini Program in the Viva City admin before, please continue with step 3. Else, please go straight to Step 6.

  3. Please click 'Create New Mini Program' on the App Editor page. and follow the steps. You will see the page asking to connect to WeChat Account. Please click it.
  4. Please Scan the QR Code on this page with the WeChat app, and follow the instruction of the mobile phone to complete the registration.
  5. Once you have completed the process on the phone, the web page will redirect you to the wechat integration page. You should be able to see the WeChat information on this page. 
  6. If you have an existing mini program created on the App Editor but have not linked to a Wechat Mini Program account. Please select the existing mini program and click Wechat Integration. Now you can click on the "Connect a Wechat Account Now" button to continue to step 5.