The following step-by-step instruction is designed to guide you through the process of populating property information on the Viva City admin portal also referred to as CMS.
After logging in -
1. Create a City
1) Go to Cities on the LEFT panel and click Create to add a or more city/cities.
2) Enter city name (a shortname will be generated by CMS automatically), then choose country in the 'Country' field.
3) Add city description as desired.
4) Switch to Chinese (down arrow next to English), enter the city name and description in the Chinese.
5) Click the Add/Change button to select an image from existing data base. Or, simply upload one by clicking "+Upload Photo" tab.
6) CLICK SAVE once complete.
2. Settings:
This is to build a basic infrastructure for your property information. (e.g facilities, universities etc.)
* Icon requirement - sit within a square of minimum 48x48pixels.
1) To access the Settings, click on your name on the TOP RIGHT corner, and select Settings.
**Before start adding university, we advise to collect all the relevant university logos, this will help speeding up the process.
** Chinese information will be auto-generated.
- Click Create, input information from the pop up window on the right hand side
- When entering university name in the 'Name' field, a list of suggestion will appear, select the one from the drop down list, the rest will be auto filled by Google.
- Click Add/Change to add the University logo.
- SAVE before exit.
There are 2 ways to add icons into Facilities - create or drag and drop.
- Create: Repeat the same process as creating universities above. (Chinese is REQUIRED to be manually entered).
- Drag and drop:
1. Simply drag the icon (multiple icons) from your folder and into the space as shown below
2. Click Upload
Once upload completed, go into each icon by clicking the icon name and update corresponding Chinese accordingly.
Configurations - This is to add any additional features tailored to your assets.
Property Features -
- There is an exiting list of icons representing various property / room features, you can delete any by clicking the bin icon on the right.
- To add a feature, click 'Add Feature' at the bottom, enter English and Chinese values manually, then click green ✅ to save.