When there are similar developments in your portfolio, instead of creating a new asset from scratch (Please refer: create property on CMS), simply duplicate an existing asset (building, room) and link to its relative development. Here is how -

Example 1: Duplicate property in different cities:

1. Select the target asset, a"duplicate" option will appear.

2. Once select "duplicate", a pop up window offers options to include information that's relevant to the NEW asset.

3. Confirm your selections, a newly created asset will appear on the list.

4. Select the new asset, modify details accordingly and SAVE, an updated version will be listed.

Example 2: Duplicate room in different building (cities):

It is important to set up city and building where the new asset (room) will be located. 

1. From "Properties" menu, go to the building where the target asset that you wish to duplicate is located.

2. Select the target room and "Duplicate".

3. A pop up window offers options to include information that's relevant to the NEW room.

4. Once duplicated, a NEW room will be on the same list as the TARGET room in the same building.

5. Go to "NEW ASSET"(room) detail page, select the building which the New Asset will be in under "Related Property", modify rest of details accordingly and SAVE.

6. A new asset(room) will be listed  your designated building.

Please contact support@vivacityapp.com if you have any trouble.