Once your Channels account is activated, there are 2 ways to post on WeChat Video feed:

1. take a new video and upload a short form video from your phone

2. upload a short form video from web platform

1. From your phone:

In your WeChat app, Go to Discover > Channels, simply click on the camera icon on the top right corner and post away!

You can either take a new picture / video with your camera, or upload an existing photo/video on your phone.

2. From web platform:

Please access the web platform via the link below:


Use your WeChat scan to scan the QR code that's displaying on the website and confirm your log in by click the green button on your phone.

1. On the main dashboard, go to video content page by selecting "Post news"

2. Fill in the information as prompted, once completed, you can review your video on the website and post.

Once you have successfully posted the videos, you can update the Viva City Admin portal with the following information: Channel Id and the Video Id.

The following is the page to fill up the channel information on Admin Portal > Properties > Detailed Page. Click "Save & Publish" to push the changes to the mini program.

Next article:

How to add admins / operators to your channels. 

Please contact support@vivacityapp.com for any additional information.