Adding a MP to your WeChat Official Account article is one of the quickest ways to gain exposure to the Mini Programme.
To do this see the steps as follows:
1. Open the WeChat public platform and log in to the Official Account. Once logged in, click ‘Article’ where you can start to input your content.
2. Click on the ‘Mini Program’ tab on the top.
3. Select the MP that has been bound to the Official Account or the name of the MP that you wish to associate with.
4. Once typed in the MP name, it will appear as an ID as shown below, click ‘Next’ to continue.
5. You can select how you wish to display the MP in the article (we suggest displaying the MP QR Code to allow the reader to long press the QR Code and pushed into the MP). Click ‘Confirm’
You can adjust the MP QR Code size by holding down (Windows) Shift+Ctrl+Alt.