There are five types of user roles that determine the level of access a user will have in your account:

  • Sales - Can be restricted by countries, cities and each individual properties. Can read and update acess to the enquiry page, but no acess to the properties page. No control of the settings of the accounts.
  • Marketing - Can read, update the properties pages. Able to update and access to any marketing related setup pages.
  • Sales & Marketing - Has the access of both Sales & Marketings roles.
  • Administrator - Full access. Able to invite new users, access to the enquiries, properties & update the applications configuration on the setting page.
  • External Team - Able to read and access to everything but not able to see any related PII (Personally Identifiable Information) data.

To invite a new user, simply follow the steps below:

1. Navigate to the 'Settings' from the drop-down list by clicking on your profile (Top right corner)

2. Select "Users" from the left side menu, click 'Invite New User' tab.

3. Fill in all the necessary information as requested. Select the role of the new user will have, then click the "Invite User" button to complete.

4. Once invited, the new user will receive an email with a log in link.

Job Done!

Please contact if you have any trouble.