This article helps explain the steps of creating and setting up facilities for your property in CMS.

We have created a list of facility icons on the CMS for you to select and use should you decide not to create your own. (Please refer to the article regarding "add facility features to your property")

Once logged in, go to "Settings" under your profile.

There are 2 ways to add icons into Facilities - create or drag and drop.

1 - Create: Select "Facilities" under Applications > Create 

            - Simply fill out the logo name (e.g Gym) in the name field, upload existing images from your file to add icon.

2 - Drag and drop: 

  1. Drag the icon (multiple icons) from your folder and into the space as shown below.


ii.  Click Upload

Once upload completed, go into each icon by clicking the icon name and update corresponding Chinese accordingly.